Frequently Asked Question

e-FOLLOW Cloud | eBX App support | Turning "Development Mode" on
Last Updated 2 years ago

  1. Open TopAccess site (using the internal IP of MFP in browser address bar)
  2. Login as Administrator
  3. Open "Administration" -> "Application" page
    (The language and visual design might differ on the target device)

  4. Open e-FOLLOW cloud application's settings

  5. In the field of "e-FOLLOW URL" enter serial number of MFP and "e-FOLLOW" separated with comma and a space (like on the gif below). If everything is done right, text should become green

  6. Open "Development Tools" -> "Console" of browser (prefferably by right-clicking on setting title)

  7. Copy next command to the console:
    App.ajax.patch('/enable_dev_mode').done(function(){console.log('OK');$('#reset_button').click();setTimeout(function(){App.promisesChaining.addSyncPromise(function(){return new Promise(function(resolve){location.reload();resolve()})})},100)}).fail(function(){console.error('FAIL')})
    If everything is done right you should get "OK" in your console in few seconds and the Settings App should reload. You will see extended settings sections.

    1. If it is not possible to copy the command:
    2. Type to console just
    3. Refresh the page
    4. Repeat steps 3-4
    5. Enter "e-FOLLOW URL" which was before the editing in the 5 step

  8. If URL hasn't become correct edit it manually
  9. To turn off Development Mode go to "Development settings" section and turn off appropriate checkbox. You will still see the exteded Settings App until reload of the page.

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