Frequently Asked Question
e-FOLLOW Cloud | eBX App support | Turning "Development Mode" on
Last Updated 2 years ago
- Open TopAccess site (using the internal IP of MFP in browser address bar)
- Login as Administrator
- Open "Administration" -> "Application" page
(The language and visual design might differ on the target device) - Open e-FOLLOW cloud application's settings
- In the field of "e-FOLLOW URL" enter serial number of MFP and "e-FOLLOW" separated with comma and a space (like on the gif below). If everything is done right, text should become green
- Open "Development Tools" -> "Console" of browser (prefferably by right-clicking on setting title)
- Copy next command to the console:
App.ajax.patch('/enable_dev_mode').done(function(){console.log('OK');$('#reset_button').click();setTimeout(function(){App.promisesChaining.addSyncPromise(function(){return new Promise(function(resolve){location.reload();resolve()})})},100)}).fail(function(){console.error('FAIL')})
If everything is done right you should get "OK" in your console in few seconds and the Settings App should reload. You will see extended settings sections.- If it is not possible to copy the command:
- Type to console just
- Refresh the page
- Repeat steps 3-4
- Enter "e-FOLLOW URL" which was before the editing in the 5 step
- If URL hasn't become correct edit it manually
- To turn off Development Mode go to "Development settings" section and turn off appropriate checkbox. You will still see the exteded Settings App until reload of the page.