Frequently Asked Question

Howto move e-FOLLOW to a new server - e-FOLLOW umziehen
Last Updated 5 years ago

e-FOLLOW data are stored in two places.

  • e-FOLLOW database
  • Registry

Step1 - Prepare the new server

In this step the new server will be prepared to receive the old server's data.
Get the lates e-FOLLOW software from Toshiba / CS and install it on the new server.
Firewall rules will be applied during installation process.

Step2 - Deactivate your current license

to be able to apply the license to a new server the license must be deactivated first.
Therefore send and E-Mail to Toshiba / CS support with the following data:


Content in body:
current registration key:
end customer:
reason for deactivation:
Toshiba contact (if other than sender):

Step 3 - Using printbrm utility

Use the printbrmui.exe tool to backup your print settings.
This utility should be on both the new server and the old server.


Step4 - Restoring Printer Configurations on New Server

Make sure you are logged in as Administrator to do this function.

Open the PrintbrmUi tool as described in Step 3.
Now select Import queues and printer drivers from file.

All data, printers and settings should now be presdent at the new server.

Step5 - Backup Old Server Configuration and Data

change to SETTINGS --> General --> Server in e-FOLLOW  Management and
click to  [ Backup database ]

This will create 3 backup files in \Program Files\e-FOLLOW\db\backup


Step6 - Restore Server Configuration and Data

copy these files to the corresponding directory on the new server.
Then change to SETTINGS --> General --> Server in e-FOLLOW Management and
click to [ Restore database ]

select the backup and press OK.

Step7 - Apply new Registration key

finally enter the new registration key you received from Toshiba/CS support to activate the license on the new server.

Attention: Do not enter any keys priorly received for that site.

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